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Sons of Stone: A Prehistoric Dungeons and Dragons 5e Campaign at Silver Canon in Baltimore

Writer's picture: silvercanonllcsilvercanonllc

Updated: Aug 8, 2024

Yet another Silver Canon D&D Campaign! Our team at the shop and our Sons of Stone DM, Brynnly, are stoked to have you!

We pride ourselves on inclusivity and keep our events open to everyone! If you miss any of the RSVPs, email us or join our Discord and we'd be happy to make extra room for new players joining mid-campaign so that everyone gets the chance to play Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns in Baltimore! This Campaign is Bi-weekly and our next session is on 7/23/2024 at 6 pm. We often schedule sessions in our Discord Server so join that to stay updated! This is an aged 16+ campaign. If you or your child are looking for a kid-friendly campaign, please email for more info. ______________________________________________

This overview and setting explanation have been written by the Sons of Stone DM Brynnly and mildly edited to fit our blog.

"This is info on the setting and some player options so far, may be updated in the future." - Brynnly ______________________________________________


The World of Gaia Map for Dungeons and Dragons Sons of Stone at Silver Canon in Baltimore


Welcome to Sons of Stone, a prehistoric Dungeons and Dragons game set in a world where massive dinosaurs roar over vast jungles and the remains of old civilizations murmur forgotten stories. Magic is a fledgling force in this ancient period, and the gods are youthful and unpredictable, influencing the world in unexpected ways.

In Sons of Stone, you are a member of a nascent tribe attempting to forge a new future in the untamed wilderness. Survival is a constant fight with ferocious predators, cruel environment, and opposing tribes. Your adventure will take you through lush forests, across hazardous mountains, and deep into ancient ruins where the gods' secrets and primeval power await discovery.

As you develop your own country, you'll use raw magic, form alliances, and face celestial entities who roam the world. Your decisions will impact the fate of your people as you strike a balance between survival needs and the desire to leave a lasting legacy.

In this world of untamed nature and thriving society, every decision is critical, and every fight is a test of endurance. The path to greatness is laden with danger, yet those who dare to dream and struggle for a seat among the gods reap endless benefits.

In Sons of Stone, you and your tribe will rise from the ashes of the past, face the power of dinosaurs, and defy the very forces of nature to build a new era of humanoid rule. The dawn of your reign has begun; will you lead your people to glory? ______________________________________________

The Setting: Sons of Stone takes place in the prehistoric setting of Gaia, during a time called “The Age of Stone”. A primal world where magic is new and the primitive civilizations are still now becoming large kingdoms. Creatures and enemies you encounter will be savage and you must use your wits and survival skills to thrive and help your people succeed. The Sons of Stone is heavily inspired by the works of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian stories and other Sword and Sorcery classics. This setting also introduced many new mechanics and subclasses for crafting and traversing through a prehistoric world as well as many unique player backgrounds to make players feel like they are a part of this new vibrant and savage world. ______________________________________________

Gaia: The world of Gaia has many dangers, and new civilizations are springing up all the time. Some of these civilizations are more ancient than most people walking this world and some are brand new and only now beginning to craft large cities and towns. Many Gods in the world of Gaia are also incredibly young, some have not even begun to take on a physical form and still exist as collective concepts or deeply held ideas. In this world, magic is also relatively new, at least to the more recent peoples and races. Older races, like the Yig, Yuen Ti, and the giants, have been utilizing magic for ages to shape and reshape the world to their benefit, while the more recent, primitive people are still stuck in the stone age. Fortunately, this is no longer the case, as a multitude of animals emerged from the Stone Age and their affinity for magic expanded. Today, the power of magic users throughout Gaia rivals that of the ancient civilizations that existed before the emergence of other races. Gaia is home to many terrifying primeval species, including dinosaurs, massive megafauna from the era of ice, which preceded the age of stone, and terrifying dark creatures from realms too far to imagine that now prowl the shadowy corners of the planet. Because the concepts of good and evil in the universe are still poorly defined, primitive people frequently worship these dark beasts of the lower plains as gods. Gaia is home to several well-known races from different settings, although they are not the same as you may know them from the contemporary era. Although Gaia is a perilous place, your characters must overcome these threats in order to endure until the Stone Age. ______________________________________________

Histories Long Forgotten: The era prior to the Age of Stone is mostly unknown. The majority of knowledge is transmitted through legends and tall tales from bygone eras.

There once were dragons, gods, and enormous monarchs who controlled this planet before the disaster and the age of ice when it was still young. The majority of Tiamat and Bahamut's children kept to themselves, gaining money and wisdom and believing they were better than anything. Under the leadership of the first great giant, Imir, and with the assistance of Genies from the elemental worlds, the Children of Imir set out to build huge cities that were more powerful and expansive than anybody could have imagined. They dominated the earth and studied the complex magicks of this new planet from their enormous palaces. And then, there were the gods, very powerful entities that live throughout several realms and represent the fundamental energies of Gaia. The gods had no one to mentor them, just like little children. Gaia and the other planets looked for purpose in the prehistoric past, developing in strength until some of them discovered how to produce life on their own. Some of the earliest inhabitants of Gaia emerged from this newfound strength and were dispersed throughout the regions under the gods' care. Unfortunately, beings of a dark and wicked nature observed these new forms. There were many evil entities from distant realms and lower worlds whose presence was difficult to understand. According to legend, the giant snake Yig formed the first Yiggites during this period by molding his own race after himself using the gods' instruments. Yig proclaimed that all creatures would submit to the snake since he believed his progeny to be superior to all others. Thus, under Yig's direction, the progeny of Yig established sizable city-states and descended into dreadful magics. The Saurians were also born at this period, although no one knows for sure who or when they were born because even they don't remember. ______________________________________________ This Campaign's setting is often updated! If you'd like to see the stats of homebrew creatures and read more into the setting, check out the Google Doc here. ______________________________________________ Session 1 Recap, Last time on Sons of Stone:

Our heroes ventured into the dense jungles of Yig, where they encountered and bravely fought off a pack of ferocious dilophosaurus. Their journey took a twist when they met Birt, a seemingly kind snake man who guided them to the ancient city of Yigalon, home to the mysterious yuan-ti and the enigmatic Yig, known as the "First Among Fathers."

In the city's outer dregs, they met Fang, a young and spirited saurian who claimed his parents were waiting for him in the fabled "Land Beyond the Red Mountains." Intrigued and charmed by Fang's adventurous spirit, the party decided to help him on his quest.

Their quest for supplies led them to the Thirsty Serpent, an old pyramid-like tavern. There, they impressed the sadistic yuan-ti princess with a brutal display of violence, earning her dark favor. Now, the party is off to meet the Emperor of Yigalon, who may have a quest of his own for our intrepid adventurers.

__________________________________________________ Session 2 Our intrepid adventurers, Plup and Eurytheos, found themselves in the grand city of Yigalon, standing before its imposing emperor. After impressing the princess, they were granted an audience with the emperor himself—a towering 20-foot-tall serpent man adorned with a golden mask, layers of fine clothes, and a golden staff with an empty tip. His golden chains glinted as he spoke softly, each word seemingly a painful effort.

The emperor revealed a shocking truth: beyond the Red Mountains lay the remnants of Atlantis, an ancient human kingdom from before the great cataclysm and age of ice. This land holds many secrets, including the source of the emperor's power—the Dark Star! This mysterious orb of pure necrotic energy was a gift from his father, the elder god Yig. Now, the emperor seeks to reconsolidate his power against his rivals in the cities of Khemet and Kush.

Our heroes were tasked with retrieving the Dark Star. In return, the emperor promised to fund their expedition, providing a guide and a mighty diplodocus mount for their journey. As they left the emperor’s chambers, the high priest gifted Plup a strange bag of green powder, to be used only before wild shaping.

With newfound wealth, Plup and Eurytheos hit the bustling markets, stocking up on food rations, potions, an assortment of travel drugs, and a magical urn to help Eurytheos control his undead thralls. But suspicion lingered about their companion Birt. They snuck into his house while he was away, venturing into the forbidden cellar. Instead of dark secrets, they discovered a small, feral yuan-ti child named Miki. __________________________________________________

Thank you so much to our wonderful DMs who make this possible for all of us!

If you're interested in hosting your own D&D Campaign at Silver Canon, please email us at



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