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The Bards Gambit, A Drop-in/Drop-Out Dungeons and Dragons 5e Campaign at Silver Canon in Baltimore

Writer's picture: silvercanonllcsilvercanonllc

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

A Dungeons and Dragons Campaign in Baltimore:

This has been posted to the website to make it easier for new players to join in! You may also share your input and chat with the rest of our group on the Silver Canon Disord! Our community is beginner-friendly and always happy to walk you through character creation and rules as we play! Sessions are held every other Sunday at 4 pm, with our next session on 7/21/2024. We also host a Bi-Weekly Spell-Jammer Campaign, on alternate Sundays at 4 pm. See Blog posts for more. This is an18+ Campaign, if you or your child are looking for a kid-friendly Dungeons and Dragons Campaign, please email __________________________________________________ DM's Welcome: "Hey y'all! "

"...I like doing regular recaps and previews for the next session. That way anyone wanting to jump in can get up to date fairly quickly! We just made characters (at level 1) on the first session, so below is the initial setup for the campaign itself. This will be the sort of central publicly known mystery that most characters can enter the game being aware of, and which will make it easy to get new characters involved as the knot gets untangled." - The Bard Gambit's DM, Arcane Impact __________________________________________________ 04/01/2024 : Setup

Gazettes from Baldur's Gate to the Ten-Towns of Icewind Dale have been abuzz at the death of renowned bard, Cass Corinth, headlining member of The Flumphs and The Firbolgs, and the disappearance of the rest of the troupe. Cass Corinth was found dead in the band's accommodations in Luskan after a record-breaking tour of the northern Sword Coast. While initially seeming to be a natural death, investigators have questioned the possible use of magic in the crime. All the while, authorities and adventure-seekers have been scouring the area for the missing band members: Meena Switchdire, her husband Jori Switchdire, and percussionist Oakenheel Grandoak, as well as the meaning behind the cryptic letter found on Cass Corinth's body:


He's been sick. I can see it, I know you can see it, too. I've been trying to take it one day at a time, show after show, just to get through it. But it's eating me up, inside. Ever since the Manor at Kalidnay, he's been different. I don't know if he's contacting them or going back or what, but it seems to be getting worse. Whatever that warlock said to him really got into his head, and I don't know if I can bring him back. I know it sounds dire and crazy, but you've been my best friend for ages, Cass. And I just want you to know that if something happens... wasn't me.


No such "Manor at Kalidnay" is known to exist, and no clues have been found as to the band members' whereabouts. But a bounty of 200 platinum has been set by the First High Captain of Luskan to anyone ensuring their safe return.

We begin in Daggerford, a small city south of Waterdeep, where the Flumphs and the Firbolgs first formed. The news has hit the city locals hard, while bringing in plenty of fortune-seekers hoping to find some clue in unraveling this mystery. __________________________________________________ Session One Recap

The news cycle continues to heat up as several gazettes have reported sightings of Cass Corinth in Daggerford, only days after her reported death. She was seen briefly in the Lady Luck Tavern, where the Flumphs and the Firbolgs first formed. The gathered crowd rushed and she was lost in the chaos. According to some witnesses, she was last seen with a heavily armored hobgoblin, who has later seen moving north towards Waterdeep without her. This mystery continues to ensnare the minds of the Sword Coast, and all eyes are out for the buxom bard and her crimson companion.

Map of Daggorford, The Bard's Gambit Dungeons and Dragons Campaign in Baltimore

__________________________________________________ Session Two Recap:

Stampede on Waterdeep! Enthralled by the rumors of Cass Corinth's reappearance, scores of fans have been moving from Daggerford along the Trade Way into Waterdeep's South Ward. Lady Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep, spoke for the other anonymous Masked Lords on their plans for the influx:

"While we all mourn for Cass Corinth and Waterdeep welcomes tourism, this crowd of fans has a real chance of becoming an unruly mob. As such, we are stationing City Guard along the edges of the South Ward and increasing the presence of City Watch and Force Grey in the region. Enjoy the South Ward, but unless you have business elsewhere, please remain there."

An expected response from the level-headed Lady of Waterdeep. Though some have questioned if the use of Force Grey, Waterdeep's elite mage peacekeeping division, belies some greater fear of what could be lurking in that massive crowd.

Map of Waterdeep, The Bards Gambit, Dungeons and Dragons Campaign in Baltimore

__________________________________________________ 05/31/2024: Session Three

Whispers from the crowd! Fans of the Flumphs and the Firbolgs have flooded the South Ward of Waterdeep, and the stories coming from the crowd are otherworldly! Some have reported raining blood and gore, and a halfling which looked strangely like Meena Switchdire being whisked away by a member of Force Grey. Screams were also heard coming from a known Zhentarim haunt. Could the Sword Coast's largest thieves guild be responsible for all this chaos? __________________________________________________ Session Four Recap:

Mysterious Obsidian Orb acquired! 🔮 And attuned to. Next time to the House of Good Spirits to see about a buyer. The following is a letter that none of the characters would know about but will build up for later.

Lord Pryor,

We are dreadfully sorry about the loss of your artifact. Those who were responsible have been thoroughly disciplined by way of a pit of hungry worgs. We have every resource devoted to retrieving your property, by any means necessary.

-Zhent __________________________________________________ Session Five Recap:

The House of Good Spirits (Tavern) has had an eventful night, and you've now met Vittorio Vicenza! The noble may be interested in buying the mysterious orb. Next time: negotiations and next steps!

Incident Report:

City Guard of Waterdeep

Location: The House of Good Spirits, South Ward

Incident Type: Multiple Assaults

Description: Guard members stationed at the House of Good Spirits responded to a patron throwing a rapier into another patron's gut for... unknown reasons. In the scuffle of subduing the perpetrator, another assault occurred on Vittorio Vicenza in a side room. Guard members arrested and imprisoned an ex-City Watch (infantry) member. They refused to give any information on their reasoning or how they managed to summon a shadow.

Investigation Status: Open __________________________________________________ Session 6 Recap: Vittorio Vicenza took the party to meet Xanathar, the beholder who lords over one of Waterdeep's top thieves guilds. Xanathar gave the party a second obsidian orb, a small one this time. And he asked the party simply to enter the Undermountain, with a clear ulterior motive behind that request. Separately, prisoners in the area have been tossed into Undermountain. Next time we begin as the party descends into the MEGADUNGEON!

Beholder dreams are powerful things, they create new beholders and unwittingly shape the universe in their image. But this night, Xanathar's dreams are focused on a realm that is fixed and dead. A dusty grey expanse, an endless desert of ash stretches before the beholder's massive eye. In the center stands a man in a mask. A masked lord of waterdeep. Deep in his mind, Xanathar knows that his most lucid dreams cannot change this reality. And it frightens him. __________________________________________________ Thank you so much to our wonderful DMs who make this possible for all of us!

If you're interested in hosting your own D&D Campaign at Silver Canon, please email us at __________________________________________________ #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsdragons #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragonsforbeginners #ttrpg #SilverCanon __________________________________________________


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